
a non-framework for success

the law of conservation of energy operates all things in the universe. this includes our minds. especially our minds. it requires much less energy to think via association and analogy to past experiences than to evaluate or re-evaluate new similar situations at hand. it can be deduced, therefore; that; as we postulate on the outcomes of situations and then, as is often the case, infer a negative outcome, by our own mechanisms, sometimes referred to throughout literature as the "law of attraction" we create those outcomes. human nature dictates that we strive to prove ourselves right, [I can only postulate that historically our ancestors associated being right or wrong with life or death, and our primal 'lizard' brains still serve to fool us in this regard] and that by entering a situation with a given expectation of outcome relies on a fundamentally flawed framework of which we believed we have experienced that situation before and act accordingly to the impending exp